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I have case where ERD diagram was created using the LucidChart code to generate a csv file and then generate chart from this.   Works fine. However I have a large investment in formatting on this diagram and I need to now "point" to another database connection.   Data is basically same except for minor updates but I see no way to point to a new Database name for the refresh.  

Example let's say original Database was DevDB and now we want ProdDB... Same tables and relations with minor updates but want to point to ProdDB vs DevDB which was used to originally create. 

What is best method to accomplish this?

Hi Jeff 

Thank you for posting your question in the Community! To help explain and clarify the feature that we currently offer please review the Update an ERD section in this Help Center article. If you still have questions about the use or functionality of updating your ERD database please respond with an example of what you're working with so I can take a closer look and better support you!  

When I click the link supplied it get “The page you were looking for doesn't exist”.
Can you please provide a working link.

Hi @Arvid Haugen! Thanks for pointing this out -- I’ve adjusted the link above and also posted the correct one here. We appreciate your help and feedback!

Hi! I’m Micah from Lucid’s community team. 👋 I thought you, and any others who might come across this topic in the future, might be interested in Lucid’s Data Trusted User Group. This group is made up of knowledgeable users who regularly analyze and visualize data in their work. As part of this group, you’ll have the opportunity to connect directly with Lucid’s product team, gain early access to beta features, and share insights about your needs, shaping the future of Lucid’s data solutions 🎉 You can learn more and request to join here. Thanks!

