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I have come to use my account to find all my documents are not there. a bit scared

Hi there thanks for posting in the community. Here are a few things to look at when you're not seeing your work as expected:

  • The document(s) may still be there. Can you double check that you're in the correct account? Sometimes users will use single sign on while signed into a different email account which can produce errors. I suggest that you make sure you've checked any and all Lucid accounts that might be under your email address(es). We would be happy to check any email addresses in our system that you are unsure of.

  • It is easy to accidentally delete documents. Could you please check that the documents aren’t in your trash?

  • If the documents were shared with you and now you no longer see them in your account it is possible that whoever shared it with you rescinded your access. We would recommend reaching out to whoever owns the document to have them re-share it with you.

  • Your documents might be hiding in your browser history. If you carefully look through your browser history when you last worked on the document you might be able to find it. 

If none of these options work please contact our support team here and provide the document name or URL using the search method above if possible.  Please let me know if you have any questions.
