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I saved my document and can see it in my document folder but when I click open all of the shapes dissapear/there is nothing there anymore.


Please help


Hi Hayley thanks for posting. I am very sorry you are experiencing trouble while using Lucidchart.

Can you try opening the document in a Chrome Incognito browsing session? This often improves performance by starting a fresh cookie session and disabling your extensions. It is also worth noting that saving issues are often related to an unstable internet connection. You may want to look at your internet connection to confirm that this is not a factor. 

If you have access to the feature you can also check the revision history to see if the changes are there. Please see our Revision History article for information on how to restore from a previous version. 

If these steps don't help would you mind submitting a Support ticket using this form so we can continue troubleshooting with you directly? Please include as much of the following information as you can when you submit the form. This will help us investigate further. 

  • The document URL containing the missing work so we can take a look.

  • The time (and time zone) you opened your document to begin editing.

  • The time you finished editing and closed the document.

  • Which edits were not saved.

  • A detailed account of the time frame when you noticed your edits were not saved.

I am having the same problem and I tried upgrading from the free account and using the incognito browser. This is super frustrating. I read online that this program was tricky in that they force the upgrades but I didn't want to believe. Would love it if someone could help me unlock this puzzle. 

I can see all my work in the preview and then when I open the doc everything is gone...

Thanks a bunch!

Hi Taneea thanks for continuing this thread. Based on what you're describing where you can see your diagram's shapes in the thumbnail preview but when you open your document you see a blank page I suspect that you may have multiple pages in your document and that the page which contains your shapes is simply behind the blank first page. Please see this community post for an example of this and take a look at your document to see if this might be the case!

If you're still experiencing trouble after confirming that you don't have multiple pages in your document please don't hesitate to let me know. Your account type should not cause this type of issue - no need to worry about upgrading!
