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I have created a Lucidspark document but any efforts to export it to lucid chart or pdf have come up as blank. I cannot use this document as it it.  

Other post and tutorial assume it can be viewed as a lucidchart but at present that is also blank.  I thought paying a subscription would help but alas no change  

Hi Phil thanks for your post. To start off could you try exporting your board in a Chrome Incognito browsing session? This should help to rule out any cookies/caching related issues. I also recommend trying the export on a different internet connection as issues like this can sometimes be related to network speed or security. 

If that doesn't help would you mind filling in this contact Support form so we can take a closer look at the specific board? Please be sure to include the URL of the board and a description of the download settings you selected (file type cropping quality etc.) Thank you!
