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Hi I would like you to fix this problem for  me . The problem is Lucid chart app cannot provide me the word what  I meant to type you can check this problem from this picture. The word what I meant to type in is “เลือกตั้ง”  but it shows me the incorrect one “เอกง”. Please figure out this problem as soon as possible Thank you (The language is Thai and this problem appeared in Ipad Pro)

Hi there

Thanks for posting in the Community!

We are aware of some issues with non-latin fonts that specifically appear in Chromium based browsers (e.g. Chrome and Edge) so if you haven't already I would recommend trying this in a browser like Firefox and see if that resolves the issue.
Beyond that - unfortunately Thai is not a language we officially support so we are limited in how much we can troubleshoot this issue. However we are always looking for ways to improve our localization and your feedback is the best way for us to do that. Would you mind adding your assessment to this localization feedback form? Feedback submitted to this form is passed on to the localization team for their consideration and is used to enhance translation quality and expand language coverage. 

I apologize for any inconvenience this issue causes you! Please let me know if you have any questions!
