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I have large spreadsheet where there are many many many rows of individual assets with their IP addresses and a column containing the results of a traceroute for each asset. I've copied an example of what the data looks like in this column for each row.

Is there a way that I can import this information into Lucidchart to have it create a diagram based on this information? I'm essentially asking if Lucidchart can create a network diagram based on traceroute results imported from Excel. Does anyone have an idea how I could do this? I have approximately 135K rows in a spreadsheet that I want to try to do this for but can't find something that does this for me.

I created a small test where I manually created a diagram for about 15 assets and then used the auto layout tool and it looks fantastic! Thing was I had to manually create each shape for every hop while also checking to make sure that I'm not creating a new shape for a hop that already exists. It's a bit of a nightmare to do at this scale and I'm hoping there's something better. Thanks!


The data within the cell is tab delimited and the "#" denotes the end of data for the cell. If I need to normalize this and clean it up to remove the first line and what not I can do that too if it would help.

Hi Colton

Thanks for posting in the Lucidchart Community. Unfortunately there is not currently a method within Lucidchart to automatically create a network diagram by importing a spreadsheet file but you may be able to implement data linking in your use case to more easily apply data attributes to shapes in your diagram. This article in the Lucidchart Help Center describes data linking in detail. If you're interested in seeing a way to automatically generate network diagrams within Lucidchart in the future please submit a feature request form. Ideas and suggestions submitted through this form are passed directly to our product development team for consideration. I hope this is helpful! 
