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I have a spreadsheet which is driving a Smart Container document.  One of columns in the spreadsheet is a URL.  

I would like to set an action on all of the objects in the Smart Container to go to the URL for that object.

1) Is it possible to base a link action on a data field at all?

2) is it possible to create a link action for all objects in a Smart Container document?

This would be very powerful indeed if it were possible.


A little context here... we are using this chart to select video clips from a wide variety of sources to create an educational program on soil health.  

Lucidcharts is going to give us a great way to get an overview of how we are organizing the material.  

IF we could use those links then we could pop out to see a particular clip in order to make decisions about its appropriateness where we have put it.

This really would be exciting - a live index with great visual impact as access into our source materials.  Wow!

Hi Keith

Thanks for posting in the Lucidchart Community! Currently the only way to accomplish the use case you're describing is to attach an action to each individual shape within the Smart Container you'd like to have link to an external page. Our Help Center article about Actions and Hotspots details how you can do this. If you have further questions please let me know. 

Good News!   

It turns out that if you export to PDF then the image I show in the original post DOES act like it has an action attached to it... at least in the on macOS.  Clicking the link text opens up the browser and goes to the link.

I am glowing.

Hi @Keith Johnson! I’m Abby from Lucid, reaching out because I think you, and others who might come across this topic in the future, might be interested in Lucid’s Data Trusted User Group. This group is made up of knowledgeable users who regularly analyze and visualize data in their work. As part of this group, you’ll have the opportunity to connect directly with Lucid’s product team, gain early access to beta features, and share insights about your needs, shaping the future of Lucid’s data solutions 🎉 You can learn more and request to join here. Thanks!

