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I want to publish a chart to my team but when published the hyperlinks in the document won't work.  This is the case with both the URL and PDF.  I saw someone with a similar question and clicked the link provided in the answer but the link doesn't work.

How can I share a PDF with my team and keep the hyperlinks working?

Hello Kory

Thanks for posting in the Lucid Community! When exporting publishing or presenting a diagram that contains an action in some cases the action may be disabled.
If you are presenting every type of action will remain active. If you are publishing as a URL every type of action will remain active. If you are publishing as a PDF or downloading as a PDF every action except layer toggling will remain active. This is because layers require the editor to function. With all other forms of exporting and publishing actions will not function.

You mentioned that you tried publishing as a URL so those hyperlinks should remain active/clickable. Would you mind filling out this support form with a link to your published URL so we can take a look? Thanks!
