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I'm unable to print any of my flow charts using the "Print" option.

When I get to the print options  I click Print the dialog closes "Generating file" comes up then "Processing complete".  Then nothing.

I'm using Chrome. 

I've tried removing the extensions (which I saw in someone else's question) but its still not working

I've tried different network

Still not printing - its driving me mad

Can you give me a fix for this please

Hi Ray thanks for your post and sorry for the trouble! 

You may already have come across these steps but if not would you mind trying the following just to rule out some common issues?

  • Try the export in a Chrome Incognito browsing session. This often improves performance by clearing your cache and cookies and disabling your extensions.

  • Try the export in an alternative browser. 

  • Please also try printing from a different internet connection to make sure that there is no network interference.

  • Sometimes diagrams that are imported from other sources (such as Visio or others) have trouble printing. Was this diagram imported? If so copying and pasting the contents of the document into a new Lucidchart document can sometimes resolve printing issues. 

If that doesn't help would you mind reaching out to us directly so we can take a closer look at the issue? Please use this form to submit the details and make sure to include an example URL of an affected document and the print settings you selected in the dialogue window. 

Same issue here. I've tried all but "print from different internet connection" (not an option).

Safari opens the "print dialog" but still fails to print.

My only options seems to be to export a PDF and print from Acrobat or Illustrator. Works fine but slower than printing directly.

Hello there

Thanks for continuing this thread! Just to clarify when we say print from different internet connection we mean try to connect to a different internet or WIFI and print from there to see if it has to do with slowness in your internet. Since you mentioned you already tried the steps listed above would you mind filling out this form so we can take a closer look at the issue? When you submit it please make sure to include an example URL of an affected document and the print settings you selected in the dialogue window. Thank you so much for your patience!

I have the same issue and since I'm printing to pdf it doesn't seem like internet connection is a variable. 

I guess the workaround is to export image to pdf which worked pretty well

Hi there thanks for commenting in our community! I'm glad the workaround worked well for you. If you continue to experience issues during export first try the the troubleshooting recommendations listed above. If you continue to experience issues feel free to reach out to our support team ( 

Have you found a solution for the print button to work?

I am using chrome, it goes through the process and reaches 100% in the dialogue boxes but nothing is printed.
