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I can only make comments on it

Please help 


Hi Enedina thanks for posting in the Community! Are you seeing a popup about premium features when you try to edit the document? If so you are trying to access functionality not available at your subscription level. For more information please review our Lucidchart Plans article.

If you aren't seeing a premium feature popup can you double-check that you are logged into the account that owns the document?  To check who owns the document you can locate it in your Documents home page right-click and select See Details. In the document details panel that appears to the right of the page you should see an 'Owner' field with the name of the document owner. 

If you confirm that you are logged into the correct account and you are not seeing a premium features popup would you mind submitting a Support ticket so we can take a closer look at the issue? Please use this form to submit a ticket and make sure to include the URL of the document. Hope this helps!
