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Over the course of the last several months I have been able to directly copy (CTRL-A) to group all objects in a Lucidchart diagram copy (CTRL-C) and then move over to Powerpoint and DIRECTLY PASTE (CTRL-V) the combined lucidchart as a JPG into Powerpoint.  Why does this not work anymore?

Hi Mike

Thanks for posting in the Community! Copy & paste directly from Lucidchart to an external program is not a formally supported feature and is the reason why you may be seeing this inconsistency. We recommend using our Powerpoint integration method to successfully import diagrams into Powerpoint. For more information please review this article that overviews the Microsoft Integrations.

Another option you can try is to export the Lucidchart document as a .png file then insert that into the Powerpoint slide.

Apologies for any inconvenience -- let us know if you have any additional questions!
