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I am creating a longer chart with Infinite Canvas turned on. At times I am not able to scroll all the way to the bottom of the chart. I have found a work around is to turn off Infinite Canvas and then turn it back on.

Am I doing something wrong?

Hi Gil

Thanks for posting your question in the community. Can you try scrolling to the bottom of your document in an incognito window? Sometimes account performance issues are related to browser extensions or cache and cookies and this will help us eliminate that as a possibility.

If that doesn't clear up the issue can you send me a screenshot or screen recording of what you're experiencing so I can take a closer look?

Thanks for your help and patience!

Ashley I stepped away from using LucidChart last year while working on another project. I am back using it and still have this issue. I have a video of the behavior occurring. How can I send that to you?

The IT department security does not allow for incognito windows.

Hi Gil

Sorry to hear you're still experiencing this issue. I'll create a support ticket from your post and you can share the video and any other info you have. Keep an eye out for a response in your inbox!

@gil m

I was having this problem and the way I fixed it was to use the "File" menu and select "Page Settings" then turn on "Infinite canvas". It appears for the new document I created the default for this setting was to off. I hope this helps with you issue.

@ashley c

This feels like a bug to me. The zoom setting affected how much I could scroll which seemed very odd. Happy to join a Teams or virtual call to demonstrate my instance of the issue and help document it if you feel it is a bug.

Hi @jonathan m102 thanks for continuing this thread and for sharing that toggling your infinite canvas setting worked for you! Can you please let me know the following so I can better understand what you're experiencing?

  • Does the issue persist in an incognito window and in a different browser entirely?

  • Is this specific to a single document or do you experience this in multiple?

  • You mentioned your zoom setting impacting how far you are able to scroll. Are you referring to Lucidchart's zoom level or your browser's? If you are zoomed out farther are you able to scroll farther down on the page? 

Thanks for your help and patience!

@micah b101

1. Yes the issue persists in an incognito or safari private browser window.

2. The issue was specific to tabs that had the infinite canvas setting enabled. Meaning in the same document one tab had the issue the other did I not based on that setting.

3. I suspect the amount I can scroll is not further but I am able to access more of the document as I zoom out then scroll to the limit. The scroll issue is on all edgers not just the bottom.

I ran into this issue because I used a new ORG chart template and imported a 330 person org. It was impossible to right-click scroll left or right and see all names at a usable zoom level.

Happy to reach out to our company LucidChart sales person to get a teams or call setup if that would help to demonstrate it.

I am using the latest released Mac OS on an M1 system with Safari. I can try a different browser later today if that data would be helpful but I won’t be switching off of the standard browser for the Mac any time soon. I can also see about recording a short QuickTime video or screen shot if you guys are having a hard time reproducing it.

okay I re-read Gil M’s original post and my issue is not the same. I am trying to scroll and see things with Infinite canvas off. Everything is working for me when Infinite canvas is on.

It still feels like a bug not being able to see objects or scroll to them with that setting off but it makes more sense and is not an urgent issue for me or likely common for your customers.

Hi Jonathan thank you for your thorough response here - we appreciate you taking the time to troubleshoot and document. Thank you also for clarifying that you're experiencing this when Infinite Canvas is disabled. At this time I'm not able to reproduce this issue but we want to investigate further! I have converted your post above into a support ticket and will reach out there for additional information - we would be glad to take a closer look. Apologies again for the inconvenience and thanks for your patience!
