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Saw posts about adding additional documents to a shared folder where permissions are granted to edit and share.

However how about deleting documents?

Are others able to delete my shared documents?


Best wishes


Hi Larry good question! If a user has edit/share privileges they will be able to delete a document in a shared folder. Please note that you can restore the folder within seven days from your trash. Hope this helps!

Someone deleted a document in a Shared Folder of mine but it does not show up in my Trash.  How can I get this document back?


Hi Kirk thanks for commenting! Documents deleted from a shared folder will show up in the trash of the person who originally created the document. I would recommend contacting them to see if they would be willing to restore it from their trash folder before their trash is emptied (this takes about 7 days). If you are unable to track it down we'd be happy to take a look if you could submit a support ticket here and include the title of the document and the URL if you have access to it. Hope this helps!

Maison  Thanks for you quick response!

Turns out that one of the associates with access accidentally moved it to his personal folder.   How would I have ever known when a document is moved from folder or prevent that from happening?



Hi Kirk! Unfortunately there isn't a way to prevent someone from doing this if they have access to the folder. But I understand that restrictions would be useful in this use case if you were the one who created the folder. Would you mind adding that idea to our feature request form? I'm sure many other users would find use for a feature like this. In the meantime I would recommend communicating to your collaborators that removing files from the folder will remove access for their other collaborators. Thanks for your request!

As an enterprise admin is it possible to delete documents owned by other users under the same account?

Hi Khalil thanks for posting! It looks like you have a support ticket open and recently commented on it-- the support agent you are working with should be responding shortly to provide an answer more specific to your situation as it sounds like you are in the process of closing out your account.

For any admin on an active enterprise account who find this post: if you are looking to delete documents of users who are on your enterprise account you'll want to delete or delicense the user transfer the documents to yourself and then you can delete them from your account.
