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Hi all


I'm diagramming the workflow process of a 100+ person organization. For a particular workflow I'd like to be able to calculate how long it will take to complete the workflow based on the sum of how long it takes to complete each individual step.

Use Case:

Develop a swim lane diagram of 4 different departments.

Display the sum of the time to complete both the relevant portion of the swim lane as well as the total time of the overall process.


How do I accomplish this?

(note: I'd like to avoid having to build the process chart in a cSV and then import it in)

Hi Matt thanks for posting in the Lucidchart Community!

You should be able to achieve what you describe by using shape data and formulas with the following steps:

  1. Select one of the steps in your flowchart and open the properties panel in the top right corner of the canvas.
  2. Add a new property named time and add the time value it takes to complete this step.
  3. Do the same thing with all other steps in the flow. 
  4. Add a shape to the end of your flowchart. This shape will be used to calculate the total time
  5. Add a new property to this shape named "Total time"
  6. As a value enter =SUM(UPSTREAMDEEP."Time"). This will give you the sum of all "Time" values of the upstream steps in this flow. 
  7. Click "+T" to display the final value on the shape.

I have recorded a Gif showing how this works in a Lucidchart document: 



If this is not quite what you are looking for there are other formula shape references that may be better suited for your use case. I would recommend reading through the How to Use Formulas article for more information on this. Hope this helps!

Thanks Eric for the tip. How would you augment this to only calculate time to completion for a process that includes conditional steps (decision points)?

Hey Jeannie

Thanks for keeping this conversation going and posting such a great question! I've included a gif of the method I came up with that I think answers your question. You would need to have 2 sets of data for the process that everyone would follow most likely the first couple of steps. You could then include unique data for each step that is included conditionally (in the case "no" is unique as only those falling under that condition would follow that path). By doing it this you can use the method Eric has laid out to display total time taken by the end of the process however there will be different times based on how many conditional routes are available. 

Hope this helps--if not feel free to comment on this thread and we can continue to share possible ideas together. Cheers!

Hi Phillip

Thanks for the quick response and helpful tip. I tried your suggestion and it makes sense except the calculations are off. 

PLease see the gif -

The total time values should be time 1 (4) time 2 (6) . Any ideas?



Hey Jeannie

Thank you for the response and the heads up on this issue. I was able to dive into this a bit deeper with a few of my peers yesterday and we were all able to reproduce what you're seeing. I have let our developers know and I will update this thread as information about a fix is provided to me. 

Apologies for the interruption this may cause to your workflow--please let me know if you have any other questions!

Thanks Phillip for looking into this. Glad it’s a bug and not me losing my sanity 🙂

Hey Jeannie

No worries at all--thank YOU for letting us know about this so we can take a closer look into it. I'll keep you up to date on this issue once I hear from our dev team. Good vibes!

Hi Phillip. I'm also keen to see this timing function resolved as it would be invaluable and streamline my work a lot. Let me know an update when you have one.

Hey David

Thank you for posting on this thread and following up! Currently our devs are working on a fix for this feature but we do not have a timeline. I will continue to update this thread as details of the patch are made available to me. 

Thanks again David--firm handshakes 🤝 
