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Is there a way to make button selections visible and persistent across sessions? 

I'm a longtime individual account Lucidchart user and my current employer has an OnPrem Confluence integration that I'd like to use to socialize the value of Lucidchart.

One thing that appears different about using Lucidcharts in Confluence is that button states do not appear to work as expected. When clicked I expect a button to change from unchecked to checked or from unselected to selected. I'm not seeing that behavior.

I tried a workaround using a hotspot to toggle between revealing and hiding a superimposed layer with button in the opposite state. Works great. BUT ... the Confluence-embedded diagram forgets previous selections when a Confluence page is reloaded — a dealbreaker for many potentially useful applications. 



Hi Stefan thanks for posting! Would you mind clarifying what you mean by button states? Are you referring to selecting things within the diagram itself? When a diagram is inserted in Confluence the viewer/frame it is in doesn't work as an editor itself. It only allows for limited interaction with the diagram. You would have to go to edit the diagram itself to be able to make actual changes to it. As for the checkbox option for allowing hotspots to be viewable what you are describing is expected behavior-- those selections do reset when the page reloads. If I'm misunderstanding what you are describing please let me know hope this helps!
