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BUG: Lost My Squence Diagram

I had created a UML sequence diagram with markup in the “API Sequence” within my Reports Distribution document and it disappeared.  I looked through several revisions of the document and don’t see it any of them so I suspect something got messed up behind the scenes where it lost reference to the markup?  Can you help me get it back?

Support PIN: 7CInIpHcPUbC

I have exactly the same problem. Had several diagrams which were built using UML. (Mermaid Markup Language) - From this morning they are all blank. It is as if my UML just disappeared. It is hours of work gone. Even going into revision history show nothing. I need help urgently.

Are community posts the only way to get support when you know it’s a bug / backend issue?  I’m not sure why I have to go to a public forum when the public cannot assist.

Lucky for me @izellev I had captured the sequence I lost as an image on Confluence prior.  However, same, hours of work lost.  Guess I will keep a backup copy of all markup from now on outside of Lucidchart.

Hi @pastorchik and @izellev

Thank you for posting in the Lucid Community! @pastorchik Thank you for providing that support pin, do you mind clarifying what the diagram you are looking for looks like/what it includes as well as what page of your document it is on? 

@izellev, can you provide a support in and the same details above so I can take a closer look into the issue? 

Hi @Kelsey Gaag, the page or tab is “API Sequence”.  Right now the diagram just has 4 boxes, with dashed lines, on it that were serving as a groupers for the UML sequence diagram that vanished.  From left to right, there is a green box, a blue box and a yellow box.  Within the blue box there is a separate ‘grouping box’ with a darker blue dashed line.

Before the sequence diagram vanished, there 9 participants showing their activations and interactions with one another.  Does that help?  Below is an image of the original before the vanishing act.


Hi @pastorchik, I was able to find this version of the diagram, would you like it restored from this version? It looks a bit different than the diagram you have pictured. 

Thanks @Kelsey Gaag.  That’s pretty old and I have several other tabs/pages in the document.  If you restore that version of the diagram will I also be reverting updates to other pages or would it just restore that diagram?  If it will only update that specific page/tab/diagram, then yes please, I would appreciate that and I can work to reset it to match my image.  

Hi @pastorchik

Restoring this will change the rest of your document, so as a workaround I have created a document with restored UML diagram, and shared it with you. I will make you the owner of the restored document and then you can copy and paste the contents into your current document. 

Let me know if you see this document in your account.

I don’t see a restored document @Kelsey Gaag 

@pastorchik Thank you for getting back to me! I believe I fixed the issue, you should the document now titled “RESTORED API Sequence”

I see it now.  Thank you @Kelsey Gaag 

@pastorchik  Perfect, let me know if you need assistance with anything else!
