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I read the post on "Anyway to update ERD diagrams with new import changes".  It did not address my concern.

I am importing updated ERD info.  If I let LucidChart update the ERD entities from the new data the shape and size of the updated ERD entities is lost.  I've noticed that tables made larger to make FK relationships easier to see on the diagram where shrunk down after the import.  As part of this all the FK lines that I seperated out now overlap once again. 

So this is the bug I'm reporting.  Or call it an improvement.  I am going to argue that this is a bug in that the imported ERD has no information about the size shape and position of the data.  And because that data is not imported LucidChart should leave those properties of the existing ERD entities alone when updating the ERD entities from the new ERD import.

Second bug:  After importing updated ERD data into an existing diagram some of the entities in the toolbox have the same name.  So if table "Foo" was in the toolbox  before the import of the updated ERD data then there *can* be two "Foo" tables in the toolbox.  Only 1 of the 2 has the new ERD information.  I suspect that table_catalog column is different between the original data and the newly imported data but I am not 100% positive.  Becaue none of the properties on the ERD entities already drawn indicate the dbms table_catalog information I can't tell where the problem is.   

Hey Ed

Thank you for posting in the Lucid Community! We always appreciate our users taking the time to inform us of our current and potential pain points within our products--I will be sure to pass this information along to the dev team so they can take a closer look at our ERD shapes sizes and position. Thank you so much for the heads up on this issue!

As for the second bug--I see you have already submitted a ticket and we want to make sure we're fully understanding what you're experiencing so we'll continue to troubleshoot there. As we work through this we'll also update this thread with any new information or solutions so others can stay informed. Thank you for reporting this and including your example!

Again we really appreciate all the hard work you have done--we will continue to do our part in making sure these issues are taken care of! Please feel free to reach back out with any further questions--Cheers!

Hi Phillip!

I can supply before/after screenshots if that you be useful for bug #1.  Heck I can provide before/after URLs to the documents.

I will get that info to you here over the weekend.



Hey Ed

That would be fantastic thank you! 


Obviously I didn't get to it.  But thanks for the reminder.  I will post more info about this later today.




How can I safely share a link to the document?  

As you can see from the above the dashboard subschema and the dentalvision subschema both have duplicated entities in the tool box.

Hey Ed

Thank you so much for providing these screenshots! I will get this to the dev team ASAP.

As for the sharing your document--the best place to share a URL to your document would be in the ticket you have with the Support Team. You could however provide a screenshot of the ERD you are currently working on showing how these duplicates are affecting it. 

Again thank you for taking the time to dig into this issue and report what you are seeing--this helps us improve Lucidchart's performance and features. Please continue to share any further screenshots or details you uncover and I will keep doing my part to inform our devs. Cheers!

The FK lines with the red X's are not correct.  This is because the table is the leads table in the aq schema not the leads table in the eap schema.  It seems that Lucid Chart is confusing the two tables.  The only way I see that happening is if the schema is not taken into account when the FK relationship lines are added.

I hope this helps.

I added the URL to my correspondence with Liz as part of that support ticket.  I assume that you can reach out to her to get that URL.  



Hey Ed 

This is fantastic! I really appreciate your willingness to provide this information within the Community. I will continue to post information concerning this issue as it is made available to me. 

Are there any updates to this support ticket?

Thank you.

Hi Rose thanks for continuing this conversation. I've addressed the concern that you and Ed share about ERD styling and positioning edits not being maintained after uploading a new dataset in your other thread here but would love to understand more about what you're experiencing with your ERD. 

Ed describes his second bug above as follows:

After importing updated ERD data into an existing diagram some of the entities in the toolbox have the same name.  So if table "Foo" was in the toolbox  before the import of the updated ERD data then there *can* be two "Foo" tables in the toolbox.  Only 1 of the 2 has the new ERD information.  I suspect that table_catalog column is different between the original data and the newly imported data but I am not 100% positive.  Becaue none of the properties on the ERD entities already drawn indicate the dbms table_catalog information I can't tell where the problem is.  

Are you observing duplicated tables as well? Any additional information you can provide will help me to better assist you!
