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When I’m working on LucidChart, I can zoom in and out beautifully and smoothly.  It is a great experience.  I do this in “trackpad mode” or “mouse mode” with the scroll wheel and maybe a Ctrl key.  

But when I scroll up or down or right or left, it is NOT smooth.  It jumps a large number of pixels in whatever direction I’m trying to scroll. I have tried many things to fix this, including chrome://flags.

I can drag the scrollbars and get some smoothness.  And when I’m scrolling web pages, the content scrolls smoothly.  

Setup:  Ubuntu/KDE/Chrome/Logitech M705 

I’m posting here because I feel like it’s looking like something LucidChart might be able to resolve.  

Hi @jsaxon-cars, thanks for posting in the community! I’m happy to help. As a first step, could you please try this in a private or incognito window to help us narrow down the potential cause?

Please let me know if you still experience the issue this way, or if you have any questions! 
