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Breakout boards

  • 15 July 2024
  • 4 replies

Entering Breakout boards is very slow.


So, I am teaching with between 2 to 4 students using Lucid Spark. I have set individual tasks for students on breakout boards. However, when I ask the students to move to the breakout boards it seems to take forever for them to be able to access/load for each individual student.


Does anyone else have a similar issue or a fix for this?


Userlevel 6
Badge +14

Hi @SBlundell 

Loading delays can occur due to a slow or unstable internet connection, which can hinder the performance of Breakout boards.

Furthermore, there is less chance – however want to highlight boards with a large number of shapes, objects, or collaborators may require more time to load, as the increased complexity can slow down the loading process.

Hope this helps - Happy to help further!!
Thank you very much and have a great one!
Warm regards

Userlevel 5
Badge +15

Hi @SBlundell, thank you for posting and Humas for sharing that info! 

There are a couple of issues that we consistently come up against with slowness. Do you mind reading through and seeing if any of these could be the cause of what you are experiencing?

  • What browser are you using? Lucid is optimized for Google Chrome, so if you haven't already, please try the feature in that browser to see if it resolves the issue.
  • Also, try opening your board in a Chrome Incognito browsing session. This often improves performance by clearing your cache and cookies and disabling your extensions.

Please let me know if the issue persists or if you have any questions! 

Badge +1

Thank you so much for the response:


So we are currently using Dell Chromebook 3100


Chrome Incognito browsing session: The machines we are using I think are set so that this can not be used (school machines.) But am going to check this with our IT department



Userlevel 5
Badge +15

Hi @SBlundell, thank you for sharing that information! Please let me know if you manage to try incognito and if you see any changes in behaviour. 

In the meantime, it may also be worth working with your IT department to ensure that domains in this Prepare your network for Lucid users article are allowed on your network. 

Feel free to let me know if you have any questions! 
