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The method I am used to is to swap the shading of the participant and keep the participants position the same rather than keep the shading always in the same position (ie the recipient shaded at the bottom) and changing the participant thereby making the transfer of ownership very obvious.  Is there anyway to do this please?

Hi Emma thanks for posting in the Lucidchart Community! I am not sure I completely understand what you are describing. Could you respond with a screenshot of an example BPMN diagram so I can see what you're seeing? Thanks!

Hi Eric

Thanks for your reply.

So this is an example where the Doctor Office is staying in the same position but the shading is moving.  


Hi Emma I am unable to reproduce this on my end at the moment. As further troubleshooting requires some document specific information I have created a support ticket from your response and will follow up via email. 

If anyone else is experiencing something similar please reach out via this form so our support team can troubleshoot this with you. Thanks!
