I have text / label inside of a Process and a Rectangle Container. When I highlight the text, the Bold and Underline font format options disable. I can still change the color and size.
Is it not possible to Bold text inside of one of these shapes?
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Hi @remhed, thanks for your post!
Could you send a screenshot of the issue you are describing so I can see what you’re seeing? This will help me understand the issue you are facing and provide a better response. Thanks!
THanks @Eric R
Below is what I’m talking about. I created a container with text in it. If I select the container or the text itself, the Bold and Italics options disable. (Oddly the Italics button is enabled and works.)
I believe what I have discovered is if I select the Bold or Italics before I insert a container or shape onto the work space, then it will be bolded or italicized. That is very limiting - if I want to insert multiple lines of text in an object, some that re bolded and some not there does not appear a way to do that?
Hi @remhed, thanks for testing this!
Selecting styling options (such as bold or italic) while not selecting any shape sets the selected option as the default for your document, which is why any shapes added afterwards have this applied.
Regarding the issues with options being disabled: I am unable to reproduce this on my end - could you confirm the following up help me get a better understanding of this:
Is this happening with all shapes or is it limited to specific shape/shape libraries? If so, which ones?
Could you try this in a private or incognito browser window to see if the issue persist here?
@Eric R - seems to work as expected when I am in an incognito browser.
Otherwise I see the behavior in process shapes and containers.
@remhed If your issue is no longer occurring with an incognito window, this means that it was likely caused by cookie or browser extension interference. Can you please try clearing your cache and cookies in a regular browsing session and try again? If the issue persists, I recommend disabling your extensions one by one until you determine which extension is causing the issue.