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I'm new to process mapping and am looking for a recommendation on mapping in three variables.  The product development process I'm working with has multiple departments/roles (5-7) multiple steps in the process (8-10) and multiple products that are being developed (5).  I could use swim lanes but each role may then have to have several replicated steps for the various products or they could likely be the different for the different products.  I'd rather not create a diagram for each product (there would be five).  Thanks for suggestions or even pointing me to an example!

Hi Ken thanks for reaching out! I'd first recommend taking a look at your template manager. You can do this by navigating to your docs list going to the top right corner and selecting "more templates". This will bring up all the templates we have available in Lucidchart and you can then search by diagram type. Even if you don't see one that is exactly what you are looking for you can get an idea of what may work best for your use case or even copy different elements of these templates to create one that will work best for you. Hope this helps!
