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I've researched the help center and the community and nowhere it clearly states what is included in a backup. It states "Connecting Lucidchart to Google Drive allows you to automatically backup your Lucidchart documents in Drive". What does "your" mean?

Does this mean that it only does a backup of all the files that you own does it backup all files you have access through sharing or does it backup all files that exists in your account.

The backup functionality is part of the Google Drive integration and the assumption would be that the scope of the backup would include more than the sync which only includes the files you own but not other files on the account. 

Specifically I would like to understand if you have a team subscription what happens and also if there are differences on how this works based on the account type.

Also I would like to understand some other functionality. Currently the sync doesn't take in account folders but if I backup from a team account and restore it to a team account would we get the original folder structure sharing and permissions?

I've did some testing and when checking the folder restore-<date> I noticed the following: Not only my files are included but also other files (difficult to verify if it 100% of account) I noticed that files that are created by another user and stored in another folder on google drive is not included in the backup no folder structure and files are owned by person restoring.

But I would like to clearly understand what we need to expect.

Kind Regards




Thanks for taking the time to post.  The Drive back up functionality only backs up documents the user is an owner of.  We do allow you to force backups via our Enterprise GApps integration but it follows the same structure backing up to a users Drive account only what that user owns in Lucidchart. Please let me know if this does not answer your questions.


I would be great that you update your official documentation to clarify this as I think it is very important that the backup is really a personal backup only.

So how would you recommend that as a company I can implement a strategy to ensure that everything is backed up and that I have a way as a company to extract all my companies data. I would assume that team accounts and enterprise accounts there would be some way of getting full backups or data dumps.

Kind Regards




Thanks for your feedback.  Do you mind submitting your feedback to the product feedback section of the community so we can understand your use case? 

What was the outcome of this? It seems like a question that most of us would have. Another question would be what the format of the .laf files are and how to extract files from it. No doubt Lucidchart will say just copy it back to LucidChart and recover from there. Eh no. I want to see exactly what has been backed up and to be able to locally extract files from it. 

An extraction tool is essential if the .laf file is in a non-standard format.  Maybe there is one?




Hi Oscar thanks for following up on this thread. There are a few different ways to handle document retention and access for admins on an Enterprise account and the best way to tackle this really depends on your specific use case. I created a Support ticket from comment so we can discuss your requirements and the best way forward. 

To answer your specific question .laf is an internal compressed file format we use for document backups. It's not a standardized file type so it does need to be opened/extracted in Lucidchart. However it is also possible for an admin on an Enterprise account to enforce weekly syncs to Google Drive for users on the account through our Gsuite integration. This is different from a Drive backup as it syncs each individual document created by a user to their Drive account (or a Team Drive) rather than pushing all the documents as a single compressed .laf file. This section of our Lucidchart in Google Drive article details the difference between these two features.  

As mentioned we will reach out directly to discuss your specific situation. Hope this helps!

Thanks Emma :) 

Why does the document I uploaded in the backup/restore option are not readable? Please assist me on this.

thank you

Hi Michelle! Do you mean that the restored document is showing as 'View-only'? If so it might be that the document uses premium features that are not available at the current subscription level of your account. You can check the features available to different account levels in this Account Types article from our Help Centre. 

Edit: Michelle reached out to us directly so just updating this thread for anyone who may be having a similar issue. We found that the text issue shown in her screenshot was due to a custom font used in the original document. If you create a copy or another version of the original document and do not also have the custom font uploaded into your account the text will no longer appear correctly. Uploading the font file to her new account fixed the text issue. 

What should be the plan in order to view the text? Screenshot is attached of what I'm referring to. Kindly assist me please. The current subscription of the account where I restored it is in the Individual plan. 


