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Has a shape been created for an Azure Virtual HUB?

Hi Jack 

Thanks for reaching out to the community! I would love to clarify what kind of shape you are referencing... 

Are you referring to a shape available in the Lucidchart shape library or is it possible that you are asking a Lucidscale question in the Lucidchart community? 

Hi Emma

I was asking if there was a shape available in Lucidchart for Azure VWAN Virtual Hubs?  I see there is a shape for Azure VWAN but none for Azure Virtual HUB which is a component of Azure VWAN.  Just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing it.  If there is a way of creating shapes please let me know and I'll be happy to create a custome shape.



Thanks for confirming! We don't currently have a shape for this but would you mind adding your idea to our Feature Request Form? We will pass this idea to our Development team to consider! 

In the meantime I would suggest creating a custom shape by importing an SVG or stencil of that shape from somewhere else! 
