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 What AWS resources are supported?

Hi there thanks for posting in the community! Lucidscale supports the following AWS resources:

  • ALB (Load Balancers v2 Target Groups Target Health Description)

  • API Gateway

  • Autoscaling (Groups Launch Configurations)

  • CloudFront (Distributions)

  • Curated data for Transit Gateway Routes and NACLS

  • Customer Gateway

  • DynamoDB (Tables)

  • EC2 (Instances NAT Gateways Network ACLs Route Tables Security Groups Subnets Transit Gateway Volumes VPC Endpoints VPC Peering Connections VPCs VPN Gateways)

  • ECS: This is located in a designated view called “ECS View”. The current functionality will provide a view of the clusters services and tasks running in your environment. It also splits your clusters into EC2 and Fargate containers.

  • EFS File System

  • Elasticache

  • Elastic Network Interface

  • Elastisearch

  • ELBs (Load Balancers)

  • IAM (Attached Policies Role Policies Roles)

  • Kinesis Data Streams

  • Lambda (Functions)

  • RDS (Clusters Instances)

  • Redshift (Clusters)

  • Route 53

  • S3 (Buckets - Additional Metadata: roles groups etc.)

  • SNS (Topics met)

  • SQS (Queues)

  • Step Functions

  • Transit Gateway Routes Metadata

For more information please take a look at our Import and Manage AWS Infrastructure Data article from the Lucidscale Help Center and post any additional questions below. 
