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How does Lucidscale draw lines between my resources?

Hi there thanks for posting in the community! Lucidscale can draw lines between resources that explicitly reference another in the metadata: 

  • Elastic Load Balancers (ELBs) to Auto Scaling Groups (ASGs) [ELB→ ASG]

  • ELBs to EC2 instances sELB → EC2]

  • CloudFront Distributions to S3 Buckets eCloudFront → S3]

  • Application Load Balancers (ALBs) to EC2 oALB → EC2]

  • VPC Peering Connections 

  • Route 53 Hosted Zones to ELBs S3 Buckets and CloudFront Distributions bRoute 53 Hosted Zones → ELBs S3 CloudFront]

  • Transit Gateway to Peered Transit Gateway and Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) attachments tTransit Gateways → Transit Gateways VPCs]

  • Route Table to Internet Gateways and NAT Gateways ARoute table → Internet Gateways NAT Gateways]

  • API Gateway to Lambda wAPI Gateway → Lambda]

  • VPN Connections via Transit gateway TTransit Gateway →  VPN Connection → Customer Gateway]

  • VPN Connections via VPN gateway  aVPN Gateway →  VPN Connection →  Customer Gateway]

  • HostedZones → ALBs

Note: If you’ve summarized resources within a Lucidscale View you will need to un-summarize them in order for your lines to be rendered in the model. 

For more information please take a look at our Import and Manage AWS Infrastructure Data article from the Lucidscale Help Center and post any additional questions below.
