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Hello all, 

I am looking to make a website layout with LucidChart. Is there a plugin or a way to link Lucid to my website so it will automatically create a chart based on my pages and links/redirects on my pages?

Or will I need to manually create one and add in the links/redirects? I know i can make a website layout on my own but it will just take time, so if there is a plugin or work around that would be great.

Thank you



Hi @CJ_P 

Interesting observation - 

Direct integration or plugin specifically for automatically generating website layouts based on your pages and links are not doable at this time.

Try making out by creating website layouts manually.


Hope this helps - Happy to help further!!
Thank you very much and have a great one!

Warm regards



Hi @CJ_P, Huma is correct - this isn’t current supported and manually building your site in Lucidchart is the best option. However, we do have several shape libraries that I think would be very useful to you. “UI Mockups” has many components that your site might have:


Additionally, if you search “wireframe” in the Template Gallery, you’ll find several website wireframes with multiple pages, such as a login page or landing page, that may be helpful starting points!

