Hi there
Thanks for reaching out in the Lucid community! If you use the Insert > Page Number function on one page you can then copy and paste the text box containing that number onto any other page in your document and it will dynamically update to show the number of that page. See the GIF below for a demonstration of this!

You might also find it useful to use a Master Page if you want page numbers (and any other information) to appear on every page in your document. For a complete description of how they work please refer to this Master Pages article from the Lucidchart Help Center. To achieve this with page numbers I recommend inserting the page number on your first page then right-clicking on the tab of the first page and selecting Convert to Master Page. Then by right-clicking on any other page tab you can add the contents that are currently on the Master page by selecting Apply Master Page. This will also cause the page number to appear on these other pages and dynamically update to show the correct number. Please note that the Master Page itself is not considered a true page and is therefore not numbered so Page 1 begins on the following page and increases from there based on its position. Please see the GIF below for a demonstration!

I hope this helps! Please feel free to continue the thread with any questions below.
Thanks and that is a great answer. Im guessing howerver that the user is having a similar issue as Im having in that we have a single "page" but its multi-page and in that case the dynamic numbers do not increment ie as seen here:
(the pages are auto page breaks added by lucid charts):

Hi @lucid j thanks for continuing this thread and sharing your use-case. Unfortunately it's not currently possible to insert page numbers based on auto page breaks in Lucidchart.
Thanks for your request and I apologize for any inconvenience this causes you.
thanks i have just now submitted the feature request.
I think its worth considering- that when a support rep comes across a good suggestion (in their opinion) that they (the support rep) can make the feature request on behalf of the user. (and maybe reply back with a feature request ticket ID or similar confirming the request has been made/submitted to the devs).
just a suggestion tho.. as it is really nice the (rare) times i see this occur on xyz's product support forums.
(btw- lucid does have some of the BEST forums support in the cloud industry so this is not a knock or dig at lucid).
@lucid j Thanks for sharing your insights and submitting that request and for your participation in our community! I can assure you that feedback submitted via that form is regularly reviewed in conjunction with our product roadmaps but improving the way that we manage user feedback within this community is high priority for me. You mentioned that proactive identification and logging of a great feature request would be a good experience as well as having better insight into what happens next - I certainly understand this! If you have additional thoughts about your community and feedback-sharing experiences that you feel would make a difference I would absolutely love to hear them in this thread.
I'm grateful for the time you took to let us know your thoughts here - looking forward to the next time we can support your work!