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Im getting same issue as this post. but last comment said you contacted the guy on his support ticket

What was the solution?/

Hi Olly thanks for posting in the Lucidchart Community! The issue you are referring to resolved itself automatically without specific steps. 

I saw that you also submitted a support ticket I reached out on this ticket and sent you some troubleshooting steps so we can take a closer look at what you are experiencing.

If anyone else is experiencing similar issues please reach out through this form and we would be happy to help in a one on one troubleshooting ticket. 

@eric r The link you posted is no longer valid.

I have been experiencing issues where although the checkbox is ticked in order to update automatically the diagrams were not updated.

Hi Norberto

Thanks for adding to this thread.

I've just clicked the link previously provided by my colleague Eric and was able to open it on my end. Would you mind posting a screenshot of what you see on your end when you try accessing it?



