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It's related with ERD..i have uploaded the table name & column it possible to do Auto creation of ERD diagram based on Column names

Hi @senthilkannang, thanks for your post in the Lucid for Developers Community! Could you let me know if you are attempting to create your ERD diagram via the regular ERD import or via our Extension API? This will help us give a more accurate answer to your question 😊

@Eric R i have used regular ERD Import….Do we have any extension API ?

@Eric R i am not sure how to do it ? it’s not having any option to do this...

Thanks for clarifying!

When dragging the imported database tables from the shape menu onto the canvas Lucidchart draws relationship lines automatically, ONLY IF any tables have primary and foreign keys in common. See below an example using the sample data provided in Lucidchart:



You can see that, since the first two tables don’t have any common keys, there is no connection between them. The third table shares keys with both of the other tables, so automatic connections are created. 

Hope this helps!

@Eric R thanks for your response & help..i think that in my table sql output, foreign key is not coming so auto diagram is not you have a sample output with foreign key as per your example..can you please share me csv output file so that i can make manual .

@senthilkannang Here's an example output file from a PostGreSQL import. Let me know if you have any questions about this 😊
