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Hi I have been using the Org chart with Google sheet to auto create hiearchies in a org chart before. Now I want to switch to using the Salesforce Contact Shape so that we only update Salesforce instead a seperate google sheet. But I cannot find the possiblity to create these hiearchies like the org chart for the Salesforce Contact shapes. Please help

Hey Alexander

Thank you for posting in the Lucid Community 🥳 If you take a look at our Salesforce Integration article from the Lucid Help Center it gives you details on how this functionality works. The functionality can be a bi-directions sync however your admin may need to provide proper permissions to allow this. 

Hope this helps--please let me know if you have any other questions. Cheers 🍻

Hi Philiip


Could you explain how a bi-directional sync would auto create an hierarchy?

What I'm trying to mimic is the org chart example with a google sheet.

In that scenario I fill in the necessary data in the google sheet and the org chart visual will automatically create the hierarchy org chart.

With the Salesforce contacts I need to manually drag the contacts in and drag lines to create the hiearchy. I want to automate this part in the same way as the above described solution.



Hey Alex

Thanks for the reply! This wouldn't auto create a hierarchy however you mentioned the ability to update in Salesforce and see these changes reflected in Lucidchart. This Community Post does an amazing job of explaining how this relationship could work however direct automation of an Org Chart from Salesforce is not possible at this time. 

I do love this idea though and I think our devs would like to hear a bit more about it. Would you mind adding your idea to our feature request form? Ideas submitted to this form are passed on to the product development team for their consideration.

Thanks so much for the great idea and allowing us the opportunity to assist more with your workflow--firm handshakes 🤝
