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I've created a few custom-styled shapes for a site map and added these shapes to my "My Shapes" library. However I cannot figure out how to then Apply these styled shapes to the boxes on my site map. It appears easy to create a site map edit a shape and then make it the default. However I want to create a small library of site map elements with distinct looks for Pages Nav Headers Content elements etc.  When I use the Cog outline editor to rapidly build content areas on the site map each new page inherits the "default design"....  I want to be able to select items and then apply the shapes I've built but can't. 

In illustrator the symbols library dropdown allows user to select a symbol on the canvas then select a symbol and then "Replace Symbol" on the canvas. Is there not a similar way to replace items on canvas with my custom shapes in Lucid chart? 

I have a simple feature request that might solve this:

Currently when you right click on a site-map shape on the canvas then click "change shape" you get a view of the shapes which are ONLY CONTAINED within the site map shapes library. If this dropdown contained a mini menu (with sections) showing all of your shape libraries that have selected to be shown in left side bar this would allow you to navigate to your "My Saved Shapes" library. See attached. 

My ask is twofold: (1) Help answer my how to question to find the work around. and (2) forward this feature request for consideration. 



Currently I can only view Site Map shapes. But my goal is to swap shape with an item from My Saved Shapes:

If the Change Shapes dropdown had hierarchical structure you could then navigate to all of your active shape libraries like this:


PS - I understand that there may be technical reasons why other shapes are not compatible with Site Map Shape functionality. However it seems that a shaped saved from an original site map shape to My Saved Shapes should be selectable/swappable back into the site map. thx. 

Hi Mike

Thanks for posting! I apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate the time you put into explaining your use case and adding screenshots. I believe the only current work around is manually replacing the relevant shapes by deleting them and subsequently dragging out the custom shape from your custom shape library. However we are certainly always looking for ways to improve! Would you mind adding your idea in our feature request form? Suggestions submitted via this form are passed directly to our product development team for their consideration. 

Hi Tate 

Can you please explain how to manually replace the relevant shapes. If I delete the standard rectangle and drag a circle shape in then the sitemap distorts and I cannot see the new circle in the site map settings. It no longer seems connected to the site map just visually there. Thank you. 


Also is it possible to change from a horizontal site map to a vertical one?

Hello Soraya

Thanks for posting in the community! Unfortunately shapes manually added into a Site Map will not connect automatically. As mentioned in the above posts Lucidchart unfortunately doesn't currently support shape replacement in this type of site map and manually replacing shapes will require the manual addition of lines in order to connect the manually replaced shape with the rest of the site map. I apologize for the inconvenience that causes! Would you mind adding a suggestion for shape replacement in the Site Map to the feature request form above? This will help our developers prioritize future updates to this and other parts of the product. 

You can find information on how to adjust the orientation of your diagram in this Help Center article. While this does not automatically shift your flowchart from horizontal to vertical you can adjust the page settings to fit to a vertical page so that you don't have to re-do your entire diagram.

Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with today!
