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Hey there I've been looking for your user object in your API docs but I have fallen short so far in finding the right material.

Does Lucidchart have a user object in the API? I

I'm seeking the following user-centric properties. Users in this context could mean two things: 1) employees of the company who are issued an account via their work email 2) third parties to the company (temps contractors collaborators etc) who join the company account as either paid accounts or free accounts.

Here are the properties I'm after in particular: 

1. User name (given name + family name)
2. User email address
3. User's Lucidchart ID
4. USer's license type (free license paid license etc)
3. In-app role (Member Admin Billing Owner etc)
5. Last Login

And just for clarification - I've been looking for the user object exclusively in this documentation:

I see that Lucidchart is now part of and the API docs there do include a user object.

Is this the right path to answering my question? 

Hi Mason! Thanks for posting in the community. The second URL you listed ( is our go-to resource for API questions. If you encounter contradicting information I would default to whatever is stated in that documentation. Our API does include a user object however we do not offer last login to free individual or team accounts. Hope this helps!
