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In my account it seems I can assign colors to collaborators. At the same time in the anonymous guest help page it says "Note: Lucidspark does not track which Anonymous Guest made which changes in a Lucidspark board. 

Does this mean that whichever animal name the guest is assigned will not be associated with their actions or does this mean I can't assign color or other identifiers to the anonymous guest?

Hi Ellen 

Thanks for posting in the community! The note about Lucidspark not tracking which Anonymous Guest made which changes in a Lucidspark board means that you are able to see which animal (as Anonymous guests are randomly assigned an internet animal name) is making specific changes in real time only.

You are able to assign a unique color to the various Anonymous Guests (animals) as they are working in the Lucidspark board. However when you go to your revision history you will notice that any changes made by an Anonymous Guest look like this (regardless of their animal name or color that you assigned): 

Please let me know if you have any other questions and thanks again for posting! For anyone that has questions about Anonymous Guests please review this help center article

