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I have a bunch of documents that I import / export without any issues. I have one Lucidchart that whenever exported to VSDX or VDX looses all the shape data across all the tabs. If I export to PDF everything shows up perfectly! I don’t know if I'm overlooking anything with this one but I've been unable to find anything in the support articles / peer community.


Has anyone run across this before. All of my Lucidcharts export properly, but this single has been problematic. These are network shapes such as Routers / Switches / Firewall using stencils from all the typical manufactures. 

Hey @Magsrgod -- thanks for posting! This is an issue that has been reported to our Dev Team (thread here if you’d like to follow the updates) and they are currently looking into resolving the issue. This is not intended functionality and rest assured, our Dev Teams are working hard to determine a fix!

Apologies for disruptions of your workflow -- Let us know if you have any questions in the meantime!
