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I would like to align text in a single block using differents sides but i noticed that many times the function take me all the text but i just want to move a line to a defined position. I had already do this before but i dont know why it only works sometimes? Maybe there is something to configure i dont know it.

So please could you help me with this?

Hi Ronald

Thank you for reaching out on Lucidchart Community!

There are several ways to format and configure the lines between shapes. One option is to use smartlines which will adjust the lines automatically when you adjust or move any of your shapes. If there is a specific way or area you want to define or place that line the best way is going to be to modify the line. The best instructions for how to make these changes can be found on Work with Lines which provides gifs showing how to create and modify the lines.

Let me know if you have any other questions or concerns! Hope that helps!
