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We have 4 Levels in our department.  Director Manager Engineer Technician across multiple cities.  Currently we have a Manager in one office reporting to the Director as well as 2 Engineers in another office reporting to the same Director.  If I fill in the Org Chart it forces me to have the Engineers and Manager on the same horizontal row because of the reporting structure.  This will rub some the wrong way if I show it like this because it is saying the Manager is the same as the Engineers in terms of hierarchy.  I want to push the Engineers down a row however i don't have a position between the Engineers and Director to make Lucid Chart do this so all the titles align correctly across the rows.   

Is there a way to manually move the Engineers down a row?

Hi there thanks for posting! Unfortunately there isn't a method of doing this at this time-- if they report to the same person they will technically be in the same row. In the "layout" options on the left toolbar you could switch the formatting to have them be vertical if that helps and choose who is at the top and bottom in that regard. I apologize for any inconvenience this causes-- if you think this would be a good feature to add to our Org Chart experience in the future you can suggest it to our product team in this form. Thanks again for your feedback!
