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I have two objects that are connected with an arrow. When I try to align the objects the arrow comes out bent. Also I can't select which object is to stay in place.

Is there a way to align the objects and keep the arrow straight?

Hi Eddy

Thanks for posting in the Lucidchart Community! There are a few ways you can align the objects in your document. Objects and lines should snap to the correct vertical alignment as you move them below your primary object. This should happen by default but it's possible your Grid and Snap settings have been turned off in your page settings. To turn them on simply open your Page Settings and toggle the Grid and Snap settings under both 'Grid' and 'Guides' to the on position (as seen in the GIF below). This should enable your lines and shapes to snap to the grid as you move them. 

You can also arrange the shapes using the Alignment function. For more information about the Alignment function please visit this article in the Lucidchart Help Center. I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions. 

Thanks now for the 2nd part of the question ... is there a way to select the "master" object? E.g. if I have two objects and the first (or second for that mater) is already in the correct place then I want to select in an order such that the 2nd one (or 1st one for that matter) stays in place and the other one is the one that moves? I.e similar to how Visio works.

Hi Eddy

I'm not sure I entirely understand your question. It sounds like you may need to lock certain shapes on the page. To do so select a shape and then click on the 'Arrange' tab above at the top of the page. On the menu that appears click 'Lock'. This will keep the shape in place. Once a shape is locked it is not possible to drag arrows from that shape to another but arrows can be dragged to the locked shape. If you'd like to drag arrows from a shape that you'd like to lock simply drag the arrows from the shape first then lock it. 

If this is not helpful would you mind responding with a detailed explanation of what you'd like to see happen as you are arranging these shapes? This will help us better understand this issue and provide a solution. Let me know if you have any questions!
