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When building large ERDs for databases with multiple modules you inevitably end up having the same entity across multiple tabs(modules) of the ERD. This creates a headache when changes happen during projects.

Ideally you would define the attributes for an entity once only and then just use "alias" instances across the ERD. If a change to the list of attributes or a data type was necessary you would need to change that just once and all the alias tables would reflect that change automatically. 

I was searching for such feature but didn't find anything. I am guessing that it is touch luck but I thought I would ask the experts just in case.


Hi Lenka thanks for posting in the Lucid Community - I'm happy to help! While an alias table is a great idea it unfortunately isn't currently supported in Lucidchart. However I certainly understand how that and only having to update the attributes in the original table would be effective and I've logged this feedback for review by our development team. It utilizes requests like this when prioritizing improvements to Lucidchart. If you'd like to share additional details about your use case or what you'd like to see in this experience we'd love to hear more in this thread or via our feature request form. Thanks for your feedback and apologies for any inconvenience! Please let me know if you have additional questions. 
