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I want to be able to draw lines at an angle ..... free entry lines ... not connectors.

Also be good having drawn them to have a quick access properties to set angle (as Visio does)

2nd related Q ....having drawn a line ..... I know you can change weight or to dashes.   Can you add 'arrows' to the ends ...

Hi @rick h101 thanks for posting in the community! I'd be happy to help. You can draw a line directly on the canvas by right-clicking the canvas and selecting "Draw a Line". Alternatively you can also do this by pressing "L" and then clicking and dragging on the canvas.

If there's a specific line or shape you'd like to save for quick access you can add them as a custom shape! You can also add endpoints to either end of your lines. To do this please select the line and choose which “Endpoint” you'd like from the drop-down in the formatting toolbar.

For more information please take a look at the Add and style lines article and the Shape Libraries article from the help center.

I hope this helps!

Thanks ...I did know the 'L' shortcut ..... but that is not what I am after .... that draws a connector.

I want to be able to draw a simple line ( no auto connection no arrow head)  at an angle.

I can use the tool to drag in a horizontal or vertical line but how can I do one at an angle eg 45 degrees.


Hi Rick thanks for following up with some additional details about what you're hoping to do! You can adjust the angle of a horizontal / vertical line by clicking the rotate icon that appears next to the line and dragging it to the degree you'd like. Alternatively you can also click on a line and adjust the angle manually via Shape Options. I've attached a GIF demonstrating these two options:


Once you've adjusted the line to your liking you can also add this shape to a custom shape library for quick access. You can do so by either right-clicking the shape and selecting "Add to Custom Shape Library" or by directly dragging it into the library (if you have it pinned in the left panel).

For more information on how to use a custom shape library I recommend taking a look at the Shape Libraries article from the help center.

I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any questions or feel free to make another community post if you have other topics you would like to discuss! Thank you!
