I am unsure if this an account issue if the feature was simply removed or if there is another issue at hand here but previously in Lucidchart it was possible to hold the left mouse button down and drag to select several objects then hold Shift and drag across several other objects to add them to the current selection.
Now holding Shift no longer adds to the selection. In fact no modifier keys seems to work when dragging.
They do work if with multiple objects selected you click on individual objects to either add or remove them from the current selection which is not exactly helpful when quite a substancial amount of objects need to be added to the selection.
This is experienced by me and all other Lucidchart members on my team.
We have tried testing in Microsoft Edge (we are Chrome users) and in Incognito mode and this behavior can be observed throughout.
What is aggravating is this functionality was there some time ago and it is either erroring out or even possibly removed entirely from Lucidchart (in which we are pondering the benefits of removing something that is pretty much available in all other apps out there).