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I've noticed a change in the edit feature (or building feature) for org charts.  I used to "hover" the part of the chart I wanted to modify add a new item and the outline would appear for me to then make the change I wanted to make.  Today in my effort to prepare for a client meeting on his org chart that edit functionality seems to have gone away.  In the right lower panel it appears to have the section of the org chart I have selected but I'm struggling to Add/edit in any way.  Suspect it is right in front of me but need help finding the edit feature for an existing org chart.

Hi Tom thanks for posting in the community! I notice you've created two duplicate posts and my colleague Abigail responded to your other post. Just to confirm are you referring to the list view of the org chart? Double-clicking on any element in your org chart should open the org chart menu on the right of your canvas. If you click away from a specific employee the menu will display information for the entire org chart (instead of for a certain employee). 

From there you should be able to select the 'Data' tab of the org chart menu and scroll down to 'List view'. This allows you to move employees to different sections of the org chart by clicking and dragging 

Alternatively you can click and drag any employee shape within the org chart to change the positioning. A blue line will show next to shapes to indicate where you can place the shape with a dark blue line indicating where the shape will be placed. 

For more information on how to format and style Org Charts please take a look at this Help Centre article.

Please let me know if you have any additional questions. Hope this helps!
