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Hi I appreciate it has already been mentioned in previous posts that text on a line can only be added horizontally. I have filled out the request form asking that the text rotates with the line - as I'm sure many others have.

A solution that has been proposed is to generate a new Text Box then rotate that box and overlay it on top of the line. When overlaying text above or below the line (with correct rotation) the text sits correctly. However trying to sit the text over the top of the line the line breaks. If the line has an arrowhead(s) the arrowhead(s) are replicated.

How do I stop the line breaking? See image below.


Apologies the image was a lot larger than expected!


Hi David

Thanks for your post and for submitting that feedback!

I recommend starting over with a new line and text box over the top if you haven't tried that already. As long as I understand what you're trying to do I was able to overlay the text without the line breaking. Is this what you're hoping to accomplish?


Hi Ashley

Many thanks for the reply. Through a bit of trial and error I "unchecked " the "Enable Line Connections" option and then I was able to add the over the top of the line without it breaking.

You were correct in your understanding but I wonder if you don't have the "Enable Line Connections" option checked when you did it - will be useful to know?

Thanks again - and hopefully adding text to lines that aren't horizontal will be added soon.



Hi David

Thanks for sharing that knowledge! I'm glad to hear you were able to get it working — that's the important thing.

I tested unchecking "Enable Line Connections" and I was still able to add text overlay to the line without the line breaking into two. The reason I mention this is while I was testing I thought of another thing you could try that might help. If you add your line and overlaid text the way you like it then Group the two objects you can then use the rotate function at the upper-left of the grouped shape to rotate the text and the line together. The benefit here is that you can align the text while the line is horizontal and it will maintain that connection as you rotate the line. Then if needed you can always ungroup the two objects once they're in place.

I hope this is helpful! 


Hi Ashley

Thank you - that's a good option. The only problem I have with that is that if I resize the line then the text box compresses in width and the text make break into 2 lines or more.

Also the other part of the original problem that I forgot to mention was that I was changing the background of the Text Box to be white opaque so that the text was able to stand out and not have the line running through it so matches what Lucid does when adding text to a horizontal line. I'm not sure if this additional information might then change the line into two parts as shown originally?





Hi David

That did it! When I changed the background of the text to white I was able to get the lines to split like in your original post. If you go to FilePage SettingsLine Settings > and toggle off Line Connections this will enable you to place the text box with the white background without it splitting the line. It sounds like this setting is the same as the one you unchecked last week under the View menu but I want to mention in any case. In my test doc I made the length of the background narrower and it looked virtually identical to what it would look like if I added text to the line with a double click.

Thanks again for passing along the info!

