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I need to create a EPK flowchart. Sadly there is no library for that. I added the BPMN 2.0 library because the shapes are similar. To add text to an conversation shape you have to do the following steps:

  1. Double Click Shape

  2. Insert Text

The text is below the shape.This is wrong in an EPK.

In an EPK the text is inside the shape:

To achive this you have to do the following step:

  1. Select text from shapes menu

  2. Insert Text

  3. Position text perfectly in the middle which takes some time

  4. Group Text and Shape so you can drag them together

Can you add text inside by using double clicking?

I think I already know the answer so please add a EPK library or add a inside/below switch.

I discovered another option to achieve this.

  1. Follow the Steps 1 - 4 to create your custom shape with text inside.

  2. Create a custom shape library in the shape menu.

  3. Add your shape to you library

You only have to do these steps the first time then you can just get the shape the library.

Hi Aaron thanks for posting in the community! Glad to hear you've discovered how to create custom shapes. Unfortunately the shapes in the BPMN 2.0 library don't support inserting the text directly in the center. However I believe your EPK use case is supported by our Flowchart shape library. For example you might be interested in using the "Preparation" shape from the Flowchart shape library for your "Task" in your example - it is a very similar shape and does support adding text in the middle of the shape by double-clicking as do all the shapes in that library.

Finally for more information on working with shapes take a look at this Add and customize shapes in Lucidchart from our Help Center and post any additional questions below!
