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Hello I am working in an Org Chart and am looking to change the layout a bit. Currently I have a large amount of people all in the same level and it is making the chart really wide I am hoping to adjust the lines so I can stack the names but when I hover over the lines there are no nodes that I can adjust. Anyone have a solve for this? Thanks! 

Hi there thanks for commenting in our community! There are a few ways to change the layout in our Org chart. Under layout style you can change the vertical and horizontal spacing and overall structure of the cells.

Notice how the higher you turn up horizontal and vertical spacing the more room there is between employees. You can adjust this as you please.

If you would like to stack the employees you should be able to double click on the employee and four red dots appear. Once they appear you can move or adjust the employee to where you would like them on the canvas. 

I hope this helps you design your org chart! For more information on org charts take a look at this Org Charts article from the Lucidchart Help Center. 
