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I am looking for a solution to the following: I have set up and started a voting session when 5 participants were online on the board. However there are a few people who could not make the meeting but still should cast their votes. When they enter the board now they do not get the option to vote if they hover over the respective sticky notes ... how do I enable voting for "latecomers" without having to restart the voting session (and loosing the already cast votes)?

Thank you and best regards Andreas

Hi Andreas 

Thanks for posting in the Lucid Community! Based on what you have described it seems like you may have set a Timer when starting the voting session. This option causes the voting session to conclude as soon as the Timer runs out. That's likely the reason why the "latecomers" can't see the option to cast their votes.

If that's indeed the case you can reopen the voting session to allow latecomers to vote by following these steps: 

  • Click on the Voting tool (three stars icon) from the Primary Toolbar to the left to access the voting session results
  • Click the three dots menu at the top right corner of the results board
  • Select Reopen voting session from the dropdown menu. 


Moving forward if you like "latecomers" to be able to cast their votes I would recommend:

  • Not setting a Timer for the voting session OR
  • Configuring the voting session to allow it to continue after the Timer has run out by toggling off the Timer Ends Voting option under the Advanced menu. 


To learn more about creating and facilitating a voting session please review our article on Voting from the Lucidspark Help Center. 

I hope this helps! Feel free to post below any additional questions! 

Hi Flavia

thanks for your quick answer. I did not have set a timer the voting session itself was still running. However some quests were not offered the option to vote when hovering over the sticky notes.
But based on your answer I assume that re-opening a voting session does not start the voting from scratch.

Last question then: does/ should it matter if people are online and on the board at the time I start the voting session or can they be invited to the board at a later point in time while the session is running/ has been closed and re-opened?

Hi Andreas 

Thanks for following up on this! 

If your collaborators are online and on the board when the voting session starts they will see a pop up at the top left corner of their board promoting them to start voting. 

However if they are not online and on the board when you start the voting session they won't see any pop-up when entering the board. In this case before voting they will need to navigate to the Voting tool (three stars icon) from the Primary Toolbar and click on an active session. Once they do that they will see the option to vote when hovering over the stick notes. 


Please note that your collaborators won't be able to vote if the session has been ended. However you can reopen a voting session at any time to allow them to vote regardless of if they are online and on the board or not. 

  • If the collaborators are online and on the board when you reopen a voting session they will see a pop-up prompting them to start voting. 

  • If the collaborators are not online and on the board when you reopen a voting session they won't see a pop-up when entering the board. In order to vote they will need to follow the steps I outlined above (navigate to the Voting tool and select an active session.) This is also true for any collaborator that might be invited to the board after you have started or reopened a voting session.

I hope this helps clarify the behavior of our voting tool! 

Thank you very much Flavia that makes it 100% clear

Hi Andreas 

Thanks for the update! I'm glad to hear that this additional information has helped out. 

Please don't hesitate to reach out again in the community should you have any further questions! 
