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When using the Salesforce diagramming cards & icons there is a really useful feature when using the Salesforce icon libraries with the cards. The icons snap directly to the icon zone on the card as shown below:


However this snapping functionality only works with the Salesforce icon libraries and basic shapes (e.g a circle). What I want to do is create my own custom icons beyond the Salesforce libraries that will function in the same way (snap to card) as below:

However this custom shape (a group with a basic circle and an image) does not snap to the zone. My questions are:

  • Is there a way to create my own shapes that will snap to the icon zones? Or at least make my group function as a basic shape like a circle so it will snap

  • Can I create similar zones on my own shapes to replicate the Salesforce card functionality?


Hey there

Thank you for posting in the Lucid Community! You can create your own shapes that will snap and resize to the icon zones however this is limited to the Circle shape. You can customize the shape such as changing color and adding images however you cannot change the actual shape. I've created a short gif to display this functionality here: 


Thanks again for posting and for the great idea -- we look forward to seeing your ideas in Lucidchart! Firm handshakes 🤝

Thank you for your reply. I was not aware that you could add an image to a shape via the 'fill' function. This does exactly what I was looking for now thank you.

Hey Matt

So happy to hear it! Let us know if you have any other questions! 

Cheers 🍻

Following on from this question.  How do you make the icons snap in the Footer Icon setting on a card?  If I try to snap an icon the other icons become disorganised and the icon template disappears.  This is when using Salesforce-created diagrams that are opened in Lucichart.


Hey Mike

Thank you for keeping this thread going! To confirm -- do you have the "Footer Icons" tab turned on. This should enable proper snapping of circles into the card.

If this does not solve the issue you are experiencing would you care to share a screenshot of what you are seeing on your end? Thank you for the help and patience! 

OK it appears to be a copy-and-paste behaviour. 
Image 1 is the imported diagram.  You can move the icons which snap to the rails.
Image 2 is the copied diagram pasted onto a new page.  The icon placeholders are now visible but the icons are displaced.
Image 3 is the diagram after an icon is repositioned onto one of the placeholders.
I found if I removed all the icons on the pasted diagram and then reapplied them they snapped to the rails.

Hey Mike

Thank you for the reply and context! Yes you may need to move the icons around a bit to allow the snapping functionality to work properly. Further if you do see they are disorganized you should be able to drag them around and get them to snap in place. It sounds like you have a found a bit of a workaround to help with your workflow with this. 

Please let us know if this functionality continues to give you problems -- would would be happy to look further into this!
