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Hi I want to add background color to a container.  I create the container and place it around shapes and it moves all of the shapes in the container. But when I add color to the container by clicking on fill color then try to move the container the shapes no longer move with it. How do I set a background color within a container so the shapes continue to move with it?  Thank you.

Hi Mark 

Thanks for reaching out in the Lucid Community! At this time we are unable to reproduce the issue you are experiencing – adding color to a container shape did not cause it to demagnetize meaning that objects surrounded by the that container shape continued moving with it. Is it possible that you have demagnetized your container by accident? If that's the case you can re-magnetize it at any time by selecting it and clicking on the magnet icon on the right side of the properties bar.

If that's not the case would you mind trying the following steps just in case your browser or network is interfering with your account?

  • Try opening your document in a private or incognito window. This will clear your cache and cookies and disable any extensions that could be interfering with your account

  • Try connecting to a different network. Sometimes account performance issues can be related to internet security/speed. This step will help us eliminate that possibility.

If those steps don't help could you please send a screenshot of the issue so we can take a closer look? Thanks! 

For those interested in learning more about how to work with containers in Lucidchart I would recommend reviewing our Add and format Swim Lanes article from our Help Center! 

