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I am trying to create accessible PDF’s of flowcharts. We made accessible versions of these charts some years ago, and the Read Out Loud function in Adobe picked up the first few sections but not all of them and they were not in the right reading order. After making some adjustments and correcting the reading order, I exported the new flowcharts as Accessible PDF’s but now the Read Out Loud function does not recognize any information on the page at all, and instead reads “Warning: Page Empty”. 

After testing with screenreaders on a Mac, these did read the page fine. I am wondering if anyone else has had this problem, and knows how to solve it?

Hi @Zina Bibanovic 

Creating accessible PDFs from Lucidchart, especially ones that contain complex elements like flowcharts, presents unique challenges. Your experience, where Adobe's Read Out Loud function initially recognized some content but later deemed the page empty after adjustments, suggests issues with how the PDF's accessibility features are being interpreted or generated. The fact that screen readers on a Mac read the document fine indicates that the issue might be specific to Adobe's software or the way it interacts with the PDF's structure and tags.

You can try to manually inspect the tags panel in Adobe Acrobat Pro to ensure that all elements are correctly tagged and in the correct reading order. Adjustments might be necessary if the export from Lucidchart didn't perfectly preserve the intended structure.

Hope this helps.



Thanks, @Ria S


@Zina Bibanovic Would you be willing to share a support access PIN for the document you’re experiencing this with? This is for internal use only and won’t make it publicly accessible, so you can share it right in this thread. This will help me take a closer look!
