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Sticky notes are the simplest form of white boarding.

When we are solving complex problems we use 3 X 5 cards since they can capture quick content and then allow the team members to elaborate on the content.  

Has any thought been placed on adding a 3 X 5 card object?

the basics would be:

  • A header that captures the essence. This would be similar to the text captured on the sticky

  • A body that captures more details. 

A more advanced object (and more usable object) would have:

  • mark down or editing capabilities that include all of the standard text objects that we expect in a web object:

  • bullets WITH indentation (Which is missing on this form - this bullet should be indented for clarity)

  • A back page that can hold:

  • more text

  • links

  • images or drawing objects.

These features would add significant idea exploration depth to the collaboration capabilities of the existing simple sticky note design.

Hi Michael thanks for posting in the community! This is a great use case for Lucidspark and I agree that the addition of 3x5 cards would facilitate even more ideation and brainstorming. Would you mind adding your thoughts to this feature request form? Ideas submitted here are passed directly to our development team for their consideration. Lucidspark is a very new product and we highly value user feedback when prioritizing improvements to it. Thanks so much for your request! Please let me know if you have additional questions below. 
